The screenwriter says it wasn’t in the script, and it was improvised on the spot—he sort of liked the way it looked—it went over well when it was being filmed so they left it in. It seems like an appalling thing to admit for a film on such a serious subject.—It is definitely slanted against the Clinton administration…It does not hit the Bush administration much at all. So, ummm—I understand that they are probably editing it heavily now. It’s interesting that they now say today that they said the complaints of the film are irresponsible because they’re still editing the film. Yet, they were very happy to send out review copies. Reviews have already started to appear in magazines—certainly they thought it was finished enough at that time to send it to reviewers, but now they’re saying it’s irresponsible to critique the film when they’re still editing. It’s a well made movie, but it’s incredibly flawed and raises real problems about how this subject is being tackled.In other words, their plan—have conservative media shills like Limbaugh and conservative bloggers hawk the hell out of it for free because it satiates their gaping maws, ever ravenous for new Clenis material—backfired as soon as anyone remotely interested in the truth started paying attention.
C&L has the video.
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