The Adventures of Georgie: UN Edition

It was a big day for Georgie, who got to go to the United Nations and do some speechifizing and meet with some dudes who are important-but-not-as-important-as-him. (Mama Babs always told him he was the most important boy in the world, except the time she found him using her pearls for nefarious sexual purposes; that time he was the naughtiest boy in the world.) Anyhoo, today was a very grown-up day for Georgie!

Outside the UN, Georgie saw some of his biggest fans.

Then he got to sit in the Big Boy Chair
until it was his turn to talk to the folks.

He pretended he was a baseball coach and motioned to
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to steal first.
What a gas!

When he went to the podium, he remembered the advice
Daddy Bush had given him: Always open with a joke.
So he made some funny monkey noises.

Then it was right into an uproarious game of Simon Says.
“Stand up!”

First out. Simon didn’t say stand up!

Winner: French President Jacques Chirac.
He is very good at Simon Says.

Georgie was disappointed he was beaten by a Frenchie.

Jacques speaks to the media about his big win.

Georgie contemplates some strategery for next time.
If only he’d listened while Jacques explained his win.
Jacques admitted Georgie’s rapid-fire blinking preceding
an order sans “Simon Says” was a helpful “tell.”

To lift his spirits again, Georgie makes faces at Kofi
while he’s speaking to try to make him laugh.

“It would have been awesome if he’d messed up!”
Georgie said later. But Georgie only made himself laugh.

And laugh.

But the best prank of the day was Iraqi President Jalal
Talabani’s wacky hand buzzer!

“You got me this time, Talabani!”

There was also some stuff about a war and torture,
and some junk about international law or some such,
but by that time Georgie was tired. He ended the
day with a much-needed nap.

(More Adventures of Georgie here, here, here, here, and here. And probably elsewhere, but I’m too lazy to find them.)

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