In his post FauxFaith, about Fox’s newly-formed studio to churn out religious fare, FoxFaith, Kevin Wolf was asked by one of his commenters to come up with some good movies about religion and/or faith. His commenter suggested The Seventh Seal (proving immediately that “good movie” is a very subjective term) and Millions. Kevin offered The Blues Brothers, The Silence, The Exorcist, and The Rapture. Others suggested Winter Light and Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Off the top of my head, I’d add Saved, Signs, The Mission, and It’s a Wonderful Life.
I don’t know if these really count, since they’re not specifically about crises of faith, but perhaps In the Name of the Rose and Agnes of God ought to be on the list, too.
I’d also suggest that there are a lot of films which are about faith, even if they’re not overtly religious, like Awakenings or Field of Dreams.
Anyway, what have you got, Shakers?
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