"President Bush is preparing an astonishing U-turn on global warming," according to The Independent. "After years of trying to sabotage agreements to tackle climate change he is drawing up plans to control emissions of carbon dioxide and rapidly boost the use of renewable energy sources."You can read Gore’s whole speech here. (Thanks to Shaker Laura.)
"Administration insiders privately refer to the planned volte-face as Mr Bush's 'Nixon goes to China moment,' recalling how the former president amazed the world after years of refusing to deal with its Communist regime. Hardline global warming sceptics, however, are already publicly attacking the plans."
Meanwhile, the Washington Post notes Al Gore "laid out his prescription for an ailing and overheated planet Monday, urging a series of steps from freezing carbon dioxide emissions to revamping the auto industry, factories and farms."
I’m sure that Al Gore’s resolute dedication to generating within the collective consciousness an urgency to avert a global climate crisis has something to do with Bush’s (alleged) upcoming course-unstaying, but it’s probably my stupendous note card presentation that really made the ultimate difference.
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