Happy Birthday, Mr. Dahl

I'll celebrate by picking up a Wonka bar on my lunch break.
LONDON (Reuters) - Children, parents, teachers and adult fans are throwing parties on Wednesday to celebrate what would have been the 90th birthday party of the darkly comic writer Roald Dahl.

"He understood children and identified with them. This is like a great big happy birthday party to acknowledge him," said his daughter Lucy, launching what she and others hope will be a day of improvised "Revolting Rhymes" and "Oompa Loompa" dances.

Exhibitions and children's reading campaigns are also being staged to commemorate Dahl, who died in 1990 and has now sold more than 100 million books in 40 languages.
I can't think of a Roald Dahl book that I didn't completely love. The Wonka books; James and the Giant Peach, The Witches... and the Twits! If you're a fan of short stories... I'm obsessed with them... you've got to pick up a collection of Dahl's "Tales of the Unexpected."

My favorite curmudgeon, and (in my opinion) the greatest Children's author, ever... the world is a better place because of Roald Dahl.

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