Condi must be happy she can put her tap shoes away for awhile.
In other news, the Pentagon has released a new Army manual that “bans torture and degrading treatment of prisoners, for the first time specifically mentioning forced nakedness, hooding and other procedures that have become infamous during the five-year-old war on terror. … It also explicitly bans beating prisoners, sexually humiliating them, threatening them with dogs, depriving them of food or water, performing mock executions, shocking them with electricity, burning them, causing other pain and a technique called ‘water boarding’ that simulates drowning.”
Not only did he admit to a heinous lie, and decide
to stop unnecessarily hurting people, but he went
a whole day without pooping his pants!
It’s totally pathetic that we’re expected to be happy that only under the pressure of electoral defeat will the GOP even begin to pretend they have integrity. And, even then, the truth is revealed cloaked in assurances that their repellent bullshit was necessary to keep us safe.
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