Two men drew applause from residents of Ekaterinburg in Russia’s Urals as they undressed in the street, kissed in front of the gathering crowd and finally performed oral sex on each other.And it was quite a crowd, too:
…People who gathered around the couple reacted quite positively, took photographs, applauded and recorded them on video. Nobody bothered to call the police or protest.
The show concluded by one of the men giving the other a blow job, after that the two promptly left and the audience strode off too.But you didn’t. And that’s awesome.
The police said they had not received a single alarm call.
“Such actions are classified as an administrative offence and are definitely punishable,” a spokesman for the law-enforcement agencies said.
“Naturally, had we received an alarm, our officers would have immediately put an end to the incident.”
Gawd, is it Happy Hour yet? I'm suddenly in the mood for a White Russian.
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