Did anyone catch George Allen on Meet the Press this morning? Wow—he is a Total Asshole. I mean, not only is he a dissembling, talking point-spewing Republibot, but he is a complete lightweight, who doesn’t seem to have the barest capacity to form his own thoughts about anything.
He also referred to the Geneva Conventions as “the Geneva Convention,” as if it were an annual sales meeting of Swiss watch hand wholesalers. At one point, he said: “The Geneva Convention is very important, and I don’t want to set a precedent that we change the Geneva Convention and then other countries will change theirs.”
Does George Allen, a US Senator, have any idea what the fuck the Geneva Conventions are? Listening to him, the Geneva “Convention” is something America created for itself, as did other countries, and we “change” it according to our own whims, as opposed to its being international protocol to which countries either do or do not adhere. What a boob. I look forward to Senator Allen’s proposal to amend America’s Geneva Convention to include a ban on picking on people for using ethnic slurs.
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