“Actually, the best part of my trip, the most enlightening part, was the flight home. I was seated next to an elderly woman who asked me about my tattoos. She then said, ‘I have one, but not by choice.’ She proceeded to show me a number tattooed on her left forearm. It turned out she is a Holocaust survivor. She had been in Auschwitz when she was a little girl. We spent the flight talking about her experiences and it was profoundly life changing for me.” — Dave Navarro, at his blog
There’s something I just adore about the image of Dave Navarro sitting next to an elderly woman on an airplane, and using tattoos—his, an expression of freedom, and hers, an expression of its loss—to connect in one of those moments that makes life beautiful.
(Btw, if you have no idea who Dave Navarro is, he was a guitarist for Jane’s Addiction and The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and currently plays with The Panic Channel.)
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