Big Brass Blog is reborn! And it’s all-new and all-improved, thanks (so many, many, many thanks) to The Dark Wraith.
There are all kinds of cool new features, including the Forum, about which the Dark Wraith says: “Feel free to use the permanent open forum to post links to articles, offer opinions, or just blow off a little steam about the stupidity of the neo-cons. The thread will sunset postings on a regular basis to keep the forum from overrunning the database. Disrespectful, vexatious, or otherwise flatulent trolls will be shot and then given a degrading wedgie. As my Kentucky ancestors would have said, ‘Ain't no season on varmint... ain't no bag limit, neither.’” Snap!
Along with The Dark Wraith, Pam, and myself, there are other bloggers in the line-up (some of whose names will be very familiar to Shakers—ahem, Minstrel Boy), and more will be added in short order.
Head on over and check it out when you’ve got some time. The Dark Wraith has done an amazing job.
(Stay tuned for the rebirth of the Big Brass Alliance!)
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