It's going to be "Security September" on Capitol Hill.But, lest you think that Republicans are going to actually do anything to improve security, “As they prepare for a critical pre-election legislative stretch, Congressional Republican leaders have all but abandoned a broad overhaul of immigration laws and instead will concentrate on national security issues they believe play to their political strength.”
With GOP control of the House and Senate hanging in the balance in the November midterm elections, Republican leaders want to use the monthlong session that begins today when Congress reconvenes to press what has traditionally been their biggest advantage over Democrats: national security.
House Majority Leader John A. Boehner issued a statement last week emphasizing the theme Republicans plan to hammer. In fact, he reminded voters four times in one sentence.
"From homeland security to national security to border security, House Republicans will focus first and foremost on addressing the safety and security needs of the American people throughout the month of September," Boehner said.
Hmm. What, pray tell, is Boehner talking about when he says that House Republicans will focus first and foremost on homeland security and national security and border security, if they’re not going to focus on immigration, which Congressional Republican leaders, who are now abandoning immigration reform, have been telling us for awhile is the preeminent homeland security and national security and border security issue?
Republicans in the House and Senate say they will focus on Pentagon and domestic security spending bills, port security legislation and measures that would authorize the administration’s terror surveillance program and create military tribunals to try terror suspects.Oh, I see. So they’re basically going to inch us closer to a police state, spy on us, operate above the law, and stay the course in Iraq. Cool. I feel much more secure now.
“We Republicans believe that we have no choice in the war against terror and the only way to do it is to continue to take them head-on whether it is in Iraq or elsewhere,” said Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the majority leader.
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