Taking the initiative

So Clinton the First is out and about today, talking up his global initiative on such issues as climate change, poverty alleviation, and ethnoreligious conflict. It's a worthy effort that makes me feel a bit of a slacker. I'm thinking of working up a Waveflux Global Initiative...or perhaps a Waveflux Local Initiative. You know, start small and work up to the big leagues. I'm having some trouble deciding just what I want to initiate, though, as well as how just local the issues ought to be. Perhaps it should start at the household level: fixing that leaky valve in the upstairs bathroom, maybe. It really is something of an issue.

I'm also having trouble figuring who I should invite to the first annual meeting. Bill Gates is booked up through 2008.

Anyway, if anyone wants to help me focus the effort, I'll be taking suggestions all this week.

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