Greets Prime Minister with tanks
Declares martial law
I’d love to be able to say something intelligent about this situation, but I don’t know anything about Thai politics, aside from what I’m reading about it just now.
Love the response from the US State Department, though.
"We are monitoring developments closely, but the situation at the moment is unclear," Kenneth Bailes, a spokesman, said.My only question is whether he likes to dress up like a scolding, self-rightous school marm or if sounding like one is enough to get his rocks off.
"We look to the Thai people to resolve their political differences in a peaceful manner and in accord with the principles of democracy and the rule of law," Bailes said.
Not to get all “history” on the State Department, but I’d like to remind them that the State they represent was born of a Revolutionary War, and the same State is ostensibly delivering democracy at the end of a gun in Iraq as we speak. I don’t know shit about the rightness or wrongness of this coup at the moment, but I don’t have to know shit about it to know that it’s utter claptrap for Team America World Police to start lecturing the rest of the world on how they should resolve their own political differences.
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