Kerry: I'm Prepared to Kick Swift Boat's Ass
Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) doesn't believe that Hillary Clinton has the inside track on the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination and says he would vigorously defend himself against new attacks by the Swift Boat team, according to an interview with The Examiner.Oooh, tough talk. Glad you're getting all ballsy and ready to defend yourself now, you know, when you're not running for President and no one gives a shit.
"I’m prepared to kick their ass from one end of America to the other," said Kerry, in a strong hint that he intends to run for president once again.
There was a lot working against Kerry in the election, but a huge factor working against him was the Swift Boating. My parents, not Bush fans in the slightest, were not all that keen about voting for Kerry for exactly that reason. When I explained to them that the Swift Boat claims were so much bullshit; sending them tons of links and articles, the doubt still remained. And that's all that was needed, a little nagging doubt in the minds of voters.
Oh, and no thank you. One presidential run for you was enough.
Tip 'o the Energy Dome to Pam.
(Flat top... stares straight ahead... cross-posts... blockhead!)
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