Well, Whattaya Know

I guess some Republicans aren't as torture thirsty as Bush and Cheney.

Senate Panel Rejects Bush Military Tribunals Plan
WASHINGTON (AFP) - A US Senate panel rejected President George W. Bush's plan to relax standards on treatment of terror suspects, instead backing a substitute plan offering greater rights protections to "war on terror" detainees.

In a stinging rebuke to the US president, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted 15 to nine in favor of a bill drafted by Republican chairman John Warner.

The outlines of the president's plan, which would allow tougher questioning of detainees while protecting US interrogators from being prosecuted for warcrimes, were approved Wednesday by a US House of Representatives panel.

But the legislation has received a chilly reception in the Senate, where the bill drafted by Warner -- usually a staunch Bush ally -- prevailed.

More here. I'm not going to jump for joy about this until I get a better idea of what Warner's bill is like, but it's good to see Bush's "Torture ruuuuuullllzzz" plan go down in flames.

Oh, and it was very good to see the Democrats being so vocal on this issue.


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