If the Democrats do not stand up to the President on this bill, if they refuse to filibuster it or even threaten to filibuster it, they do not deserve to win any additional seats in the House or in the Senate. They will have delivered a grievous blow to our system of checks and balances, stained America's reputation around the world, and allowed an obscenity to disfigure the American system of law and justice. Far worse than a misguided zealot is the moral coward who says nothing and allows that zealotry to do real harm.What do we do? The GOP is on a crash course toward a fascist dictatorship, the Dems are happy to carry their luggage, the media is useless, most of the American people can’t even be bothered to pay attention to what’s going on, no less care, and those of us who do are screaming until we’re blue in the faces to no avail. Blogging about it, talking about it, writing our Senators and Representatives about it isn’t doing jack shit. So what do we do?
I don’t want to go down as a moral coward who did nothing, but I don’t know what to do. March on Washington? (Can we get there in time? Will the media cover it? Would it even make a difference?) Storm the local media? Leave the country?
I’m at a loss. I’m out of ideas.
All I know is that is it impossible for me to resign myself to this madness.
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