Creative Paper Wales won a £20,000 Millennium Award for its Sheep Poo Paper products, reports the BBC.Very clever. I especially like the part about how even the washing water isn’t wasted. It’s about time the Welsh found another use for sheep.
They collect sheep droppings from the surrounding mountains, sterilise it in pressure cookers and recover the washed and undigested fibres. A sheep digests just 50% of what it eats. The recovered fibres are mixed to form paper and cardboard for the company's range of stationery and gift products. Even the washing water is not wasted - it is distributed to local growers as concentrated fertiliser.
Founders Lawrence Toms, 38, from Rhondda and Lez Paylor, 38, from Caerphilly, said they had been keen to develop an idea which would be uniquely Welsh. The company's plant at Aberllefenni, near Machynlleth, will be able to produce one to two tonnes of paper a year.
I meant culling wool. What did you think I meant?
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