Instaprick, The Wall Street Journal, Rush Limbaugh, Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer, Ben Stein, Newt Gingrich, and I’m sure a bunch of other useless fuckwits I’ve missed have all been busily claiming that either: A) If the GOP leadership had investigated Foley after becoming aware of his “overly friendly” emails, they would have been accused of gaybashing; or B) That Foley’s conduct was the inevitable result of LGBT tolerance.
I’m sure I’m not the first, nor shall I be the last, to point out that the GOP has never been afraid of being seen as gaybashers whenever it suited them, so that pretty much takes care of A.
As regards B, I’m tempted to not even dignify that horseshit with a response, but I’ll just state the obvious and the move on: The assertion makes about as much bloody sense as suggesting that tolerance of heterosexuality made Clinton’s adulterous blowjob inevitable. In other words, none whatsoever. People of both sexual orientations make good and bad decisions; any one bad decision doesn’t discredit the notion that we should all be regarded equally.
And I think that’s about all that needs to be said.
Except maybe: Now fuck off, you pain-in-the-ass, dissembling, hypocritical turds.
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