Frankly, this is the responsibility of the parents. If you get online you may find people who are creepy. There are creepy people out there who will do and say creepy things. Avoid them. That's what you have to do. And maybe we can say that a little more to the pages.The GOP: Protecting Families by Telling Parents It’s Their Fault if Their Kids Get Sexually Harassed by a Congressman.
You know, these kids are actually precocious kids. It looks like, just maybe, this one email was just a prank, just a bunch of kids sitting around, egging this guy on, you know. So, uh, the world's a complicated place, and we just have to do the best we can.Pretending for a moment that’s even what happened, I can say with absolute certainty that no matter how many teenage boys tried to “egg” me into have cybersex with them, I wouldn’t. Nor would most adults. The fact that there are elected Republicans who can’t say the same, however, gives a glimpse into the reason they feel compelled to try to legislate morality for all the rest of us.
(Hat tip Todd.)
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