On desks around the West Wing sit digital clocks counting down the days and hours left in the Bush presidency, reminders to the White House staff to use the time left as effectively as possible. As of 8 a.m. today, those clocks will read 825 days, four hours. But if the elections go the way pollsters and pundits predict, they might as well read 20 days.Emboldened by victory, and bitter from grievance? LOL. Yeah, that—or maybe they just would be blocking Bush’s agenda on principle because it’s total crap.
At least that would be the end of George W. Bush's presidency as he has known it. If Democrats win one or both houses of Congress on Nov. 7, the result will transform the remainder of Bush's time in office and dramatically shift the balance of power in Washington.
…Emboldened by victory, and bitter from grievance, Democrats could use their ascendance to block Bush's agenda, force him to respond to theirs and begin a new era of aggressive oversight and investigation.
Most worrisome to the White House is the subpoena power that Democrats would gain with a majority in the House or Senate. For years, Republicans have been mostly deferential in scrutinizing the Bush administration, but Democrats are eager to reexamine an array of issues, such as Vice President Cheney's energy task force, the Jack Abramoff scandal and preparations for the Iraq war.Mostly deferential. Not wantonly complicit. Good lord.
After the election, Kaplan said, Bush will "look for partners in Congress" to accomplish priorities, such as extending his tax cuts, developing alternative energy supplies and promoting American competitiveness.I bet he will.
The question in the White House is whether Democrats would be willing to be partners. While Democrats see Bush as relentlessly partisan, his aides think Democrats have been deliberately obstructionist even on issues of little dispute. Against that backdrop of mutual suspicion, the two sides may find it difficult to come together.Hmm, vicious partisanship is all bluster and no substance? I guess a Republican would know.
"The Democrats are so blinded by their hate of Bush, they'll have a hard time even having a bill-signing with him," Republican lobbyist Ed Rogers said. "That might make for some good political contrasts, but not much substance."
I just love, love, how now that everyone thinks Bush and the GOP are about to go down in flames after years of not only pretending that the Democrats don’t exist, but that half the fucking country who didn’t vote for their sorry asses are traitors, it’s suddenly incumbent upon us to be nice and reasonable. You know what? Fuck off. I hope the Democrats tear every member of that administration who’s engaged in the criminal subversion of American principles a new asshole, and when they’re done, they sew ’em up and start over again.
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