President Bush said in a one-on-one interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos that a newspaper column comparing the current fighting in Iraq to the 1968 Tet offensive in Vietnam, which was widely seen as the turning point in that war, might be accurate.Bush then announced he would be relocating to Alabama for the rest of his presidency.
Stephanopoulos asked whether the president agreed with the opinion of columnist Tom Friedman, who wrote in The New York Times today that the situation in Iraq may be equivalent to the Tet offensive in Vietnam almost 40 years ago.
"He could be right," the president said, before adding, "There's certainly a stepped-up level of violence, and we're heading into an election."
Bush, Iraq, and Vietnam
I imagine this is going to mean even more to the people who lived through the Vietnam War, especially the Shakers who fought in it, but the significance of it certainly won’t be lost on the rest of us, either:
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