The FBI raided the homes of Rep. Curt Weldon R-PA)'s daughter and a close friend Monday as it investigates whether the congressman improperly helped the pair win lobbying and consulting contracts.But that’s not what Weldon thinks. Weldon thinks it’s all Democratic dirty tricks! “What I find ironic, if there is an investigation, is that no one would tell me until three weeks before the election. This incident was 2 1/2 years ago.” Okay, first of all, that’s a misuse of the word ironic, Alanis Weldon. Secondly, sometimes investigations take a long time. Does Weldon seriously believe that “the investigation [is] politically motivated and … the timing suspect”? Wouldn’t that require also believing that the FBI is conducting investigations on a timeframe dictated by the out-of-power Democrats? Conceivably, it was a Democrat who leaked news of the investigation, which forced the FBI to move up the searches, but they had to be planning to do them already anyway. So, tough titties.
…Federal investigators are looking into whether Weldon used his influence to help the company secure lobbying contracts worth $1 million from foreign clients, two people familiar with the inquiry told The Associated Press.
…The search warrants were executed, in part, because of news reports over the weekend exposing the federal investigation, according to the Washington official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the ongoing inquiry. Typically, such searches are sped up to prevent any evidence from being destroyed.
Dirty Tricks! Dirty Tricks!
Weldon in the shit:
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