
I’ve been reading about the shooting in an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania, and I just keep getting angrier and angrier. Mainly, I’m just pissed to my bones that someone would do something like this to a community who’s never done fuck-all to anyone. It has the same sting of alarming injustice as someone who kicks a puppy. Apparently, the guy wasn’t specifically targeted the Amish, but that doesn’t make me any less infuriated. And I’m certainly not suggesting that some other community would have “deserved” this horror, but that it was an Amish community makes it somehow worse.

Then there’s the fact that this fucker did specifically target little girls, letting “about 15 boys, a pregnant woman and three women with infants” go before he “made the girls line up along a blackboard and tied their feet together” and then shot them execution-style, motivated by a need to “[act] out in revenge for something that happened 20 years ago.” The guy is 32, so when he was 12—what? some female classmate was mean to him, so now five little girls have to die? What a piece of shit.

And that’s really all I can say.

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