Good Lord

This is getting completely insane.

In Tennessee, GOP Senate Candidate Bob Corker is running a radio ad featuring jungle drums when his opponent, Harold Ford, Jr.'s name is mentioned.

Fucking jungle drums.

Listen to it here.
We got a copy of the ad from a producer from WGOW radio in Chatanooga. Bill Lockhart, the program director for WGOW, confirmed the authenticity of the ad and that it's running on the station. "They're freaking jungle-drums," Lockhart tells us. "It's racist -- it tries to conjure up deep, dark African moods. Yeah, it's overtly racial."

It's pretty interesting that this ad is running, wouldn't you say? After all, Corker disavowed the similar tactics in the recent "bimbo" ad which stirred controversy and charges of racism. The bimbo ad, which featured an actress playing what used to be called a "floozy." As you surely know by now, she claimed to she'd met Ford at a "Playboy" party and asked Ford to "call me." For some reason, people got the idea that it was supposed to be playing on fears of interracial sex, and they got very upset about it. Corker himself has called on local stations not to run the bimbo TV spot, saying that it "went too far."

But the RNC has been unapologic about the ad, and it's continued to run.

Gee, I can't understand why Republicans aren't getting the African American vote!

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