[T]his is a political issue in itself, too, and what we’ve tried to do as the Republican Party is make a better economy, protect this country against terrorism — and we’ve worked at it ever since 9/11, worked with the president on it — and there are some people that try to tear us down. We are the insulation to protect this country, and if they get to me it looks like they could affect our election as well.LOL! How dare the nasty liberals (like Bay Buchanan) try to tear down the Tyrannosaurus of Turpitude and His Grand Old Perv Minions by pointing out that they’re totally freaking incompetent and put electoral success above protecting kids. How dare they try to “affect” an election—i.e. “win” it—by pointing out what manifest failures you are! Don’t they know the only ethical way to win elections is by attacking gays and women?! Sheesh.
Oh, and the GOP being “the insulation to protect this country”…? LOL. Nice one. “We’re all that stands between the liberals and the destruction of America!” Somehow, I think you’ve got that backwards.
Although, in fairness, most of you are pink and itchy.
(Hat tip Blogenfreude.)
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