Hastert Won’t Step Down

Not now, not evah!

House Speaker Dennis Hastert won't step down as speaker now or after the election, a senior GOP leadership aide told CNN Thursday.

That word came as Hastert prepared to hold a news conference in his home district near Chicago to detail what actions he will take to deal with the spreading scandal over former Rep. Mark Foley and his contacts with teenage pages.

"As the speaker I take responsibility for everything in the building," Hastert said in a statement earlier Thursday announcing a hotline where anyone could report information about Foley or any concerns about the page program.

"The buck stops here. The safety and security of the students in the page program is imperative," the statement said.
And by “the buck stops here,” of course he means “If anyone comes to me with any complaints about GOP Congressmen, they will die in my office.”

Meanwhile, the House Ethics Committee has voted to “set up a subcommittee to investigate improper conduct between lawmakers and teenage pages, members announced today.”


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