
You know how “pro-family” crusaders are always going on about gay pride parades and gay-themes books in schools and so forth, many of whom will even go so far as to say, “I don’t care what these people do in the privacy of their own homes,” right before they launch into a discourse on how they’re just not ready to talk to their kids about homosexuality yet? And how the same people will say approximately the same thing about comprehensive sex education programs? As if exposure to the mere existence of homosexuality, or condoms, or abortion will turn their kids into rabid, gay, pregnant revolutionaries?

As always, take this for what it’s worth, since I’ve got no kids of my own, but I believe I’d be a lot more irritated by having to explain to an 8-year-old why there’s a plane flying overhead trailing a picture of a carved up fetus than I would explaining what a rainbow flag means or where babies come from.

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