President Says Foley Conduct Disgusting
Glass houses, Bush. Glass houses.
WASHINGTON - President Bush on Wednesday called ex-Rep. Mark Foley's approaches to House male pages "disgusting" and backed SpeakerBlah-dee-blah. It's all the usual Bush bullshit. Anything to help out good 'ol Denny (who's Bush Nickname is "Speak," by the way, whatever the fuck that means) and try to divert blame away from the GOP.
Dennis Hastert's efforts to learn how officials handled the problem.
Bush's remarks at a White House news conference came Peggy Sampson, the supervisor of the page program, was questioned for less than two hours before the House ethics committee. The panel is not only investigating Foley's inappropriate and sometimes salacious electronic messages to former pages, but whether House officials covered up Foley's come-ons.
And then, at the end of the article, amidst all the other Bush blather... I saw.... IT!!!
He defended Hastert, who said he first learned of the approaches in late September.The DOOM PHRASE! Hastert got his own "heckuva job!"
"I think the speaker's strong statements have made it clear to not only the party ... but to the country that he wants to find out the facts," Bush said. "Denny is very credible as far as I'm concerned. He's done a fine job as speaker."
If there's any justice in this world, the second those words burbled from Bush's lips, Hastert began emptying his desk.
(Thank you Mario, but our cross-post is in another castle!)
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