Q Mr. President, if I could follow up, you say diplomacy takes time –
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, it does.
Q — but it was four years ago that you labeled North Korea a member of the "axis of evil." And since then it’s increased its nuclear arsenal, it’s abandoned six-party talks and now these missile launches –
THE PRESIDENT: Let me ask you a question. It’s increased it’s — that’s an interesting statement: "North Korea has increased its nuclear arsenal." Can you verify that?
Q Well, intelligence sources say — if you can — if you’d like to dispute that, that’s fine.
THE PRESIDENT: No, I’m not going to dispute, I’m just curious.
Q Our intelligence sources say that it’s increased the number — its nuclear capability
THE PRESIDENT: — dangerous — it has potential danger.
Q It’s increased is nuclear capabilities. It’s abandoned six-party talks, and it’s launched these missiles.
Q Why shouldn’t Americans see the U.S. policy regarding North Korea as a failed one?
THE PRESIDENT: Because it takes time to get things done.
"It takes time to get things done." Your Bush All-Purpose excuse for 2006. (Additional transcript at the link.)
Also, it's very comforting how "North Korea has increased its nuclear arsenal." is an "interesting statement" to Bush, and he's asking for further "verification," isn't it? Ye gods.
(Sorry about my long absence; I was in NYC for a wedding and didn't realize how little computer access I would have. I wanna have some cross-posts, move my body all night long...)
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