Rox has a post about meeting other bloggers today, which in turn prompted PSoTD to ask the question which bloggers you’d like to meet and what you’d like to talk about with them.
Something I’ve found interesting during the times I’ve met other bloggers (and commmenters) is that we don’t tend to talk politics very much. There are a couple of bloggers with whom I speak regularly via phone and/or IM, whom I haven't met in person, and I don’t discuss politics overwhelmingly with them, either. That’s not to say there’s no political talk, or blog-related grousing and gossip (I did make a rather fine arse of myself gushing admiringly at Driftglass at the first Shaker meet-up), but it’s certainly no more the main feature than it is with other friends. There’s lots of the usual stuff—movies, jobs, kids, life. As I recall, the primary topic during the after-hours part of the last Shaker meet-up was beer, with a particularly uproarious (and prurient) tangent on one of Mr. Shakes’ most embarrassing moments. In other words, exactly what you’d expect when a bunch of like-minded dorks get together.
Related: Constant Comment emailed me to say the next Yearly Kos will be in Chicago. That should provide a chance for some more meetings—if we haven’t all met already in our friendly regional Halliburton Detention Centers for Domestic Enemy Combatants by then.
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