So, the thing with Harry Reid’s land deal really does seem much ado about nothing. The ownership of the property became an LLC, and, in regard to the way the IRS requires reporting of LLC-owned property, it may genuinely have been a good-faith error in reporting.
But the thing with using campaign funds for Christmas bonuses for staff at his residence doesn’t sit as well. Reid says his lawyers erroneously okayed the payments, and he’s paying back the campaign out of his own pocket. Okay, fine. But here’s where my problem is: Even if it were legally allowable to use campaign funds to pay the doorman et. al. at your private residence, why would you do it?
According to Reid, the donations “were made to thank the men and women who work in the building for the extra work they do as a result of my political activities, and for helping the security officers assigned to me because of my Senate position.” Then out of the nearly $200,000 we pay you a year, you should certainly be able to find some money to thank those people. I mean, if we start making exceptions like this, then every member of Congress with a personal chef, who works harder because they entertain more, ought to be able to reward that chef with campaign contributions, too, no? How about a dog-walker, who only has to walk the dog because its owner is a busy Congress member? Hell, let’s use campaign contributions to pay for babysitters while Moms and Dads attend the White House Picnic every year!
I contribute to political campaigns, sometimes when I can barely afford it. When I give a few bucks to someone, I expect it to be used for the campaign. Call me crazy. That Reid doesn’t seem to have considered, irrespective of its legality, using campaign funds to tip people in his personal life isn’t the most judicious use of the hard-earned money of people who want to see him reelected, strikes me as incredible.
How out of touch are these people? (The Democratic Senate Minority Leader, no less!) Get a clue. I don’t give a good shit about keeping you in the lifestyle to which you’re accustomed; I don’t think you deserve raises unless you’re willing to give them to the American people making minimum wage; and I certainly don’t want my donations used as a personal slush fund. Clear?
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