Homeless men are aging on the streets—“John Knight, 60, spends his days wheeling to dialysis treatments, soup kitchens and the freeway ramp where he begs for change. A hospital has become his primary residence, but he sometimes scours the city for ‘a hole to climb into before it gets dark.’ … Dennis Ragar, 66, was homeless for three or four years before he moved into the Raman Hotel, San Francisco's newest city-subsidized hotel specifically for homeless seniors. A former truck driver who suffers from diabetes and needs a hip replaced, Ragar pays $470 a month to rent a room. He says it's better than a shelter, yet not the retirement he looked forward to in his youth. ‘I thought it would be a lot better than this,’ he said.”
Seniors now represent America’s fastest growing homeless demographic.
The Culture of Life, near as I can figure it out, means that your life is worth most before you’re born and during the years when you can work and buy shit and vote Republican. Children and old people—eh.
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