As a television viewer who stopped watching the CBS Evening News the moment Bob Schieffer made way for Katie Couric, I take considerable pleasure in learning that stomachs are queasy at the Tiffany Network:
The falloff of Katie Couric's audience since her CBS Evening News debut "has provoked a strong sense of unease internally, according to newsroom employees. Many are alarmed that the program isn't faring better, especially after a massive marketing push this summer that included radio spots and bus ads," Matea Gold reports.
I hear that Kaopectate helps with that whole unease thing. Best to invest in Pfizer now, as CBS News execs will likely start ordering the stuff by the gross. Here's an interesting note: Couric's ratings now trail that of her predecessor, Schieffer, in his last week as anchor.
I'm guessing that Couric will probably do better as time goes on - but not by a lot, and not enough to escape third place. Too bad.
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