Suspended Sentence for Child Porn Defendant


Prosecutor John F. Fahey told Judge Thomas P. Miano that [Edward J. Burke III, 47] had 141 photo images and two videotapes of known child victims on a home computer. The victims ranged in age from toddlers to prepubescent children.

Fahey and Burke's defense lawyer, John D. Maxwell, had worked out a deal that called for Burke to receive up to four years in prison, five years' probation, and mandatory sex offender registration for 10 years.

But the agreement gave Maxwell the right to argue for a completely suspended prison sentence, which was granted by Superior Court Judge Thomas J. Miano.

Miano noted that Burke has actively participated in sex-offender therapy for the last year and, by his doctor's account, is at very low-risk to offend again.
First of all, the prosecutor was a fool for consenting to allow the defense attorney to argue for a suspended sentence as part of a plea deal. Secondly, the judge is a fucking idiot for suspending the sentence, especially since this wasn’t just a case of possession; Burke was busted because his internet provider alerted authorities after discovering his was distributing child porn images. Thirdly, this guy is about as likely to never offend again as I am to win the Miss America pageant next year. Not impossible, but not very bloody likely!

The protection of children is bandied about—uselessly, cynically—all the time. Video games, music, movies, television shows—children have to be protected from the dangers of fucking pop culture at all times, if you listen to the politicians and various “family” advocates. They have to be shielded from naked bodies in art museums, and books with controversial subjects, and the existence of birth control, and banners discouraging discrimination and harassment against LGBT students. Heck, they have to be shielded from gays altogether, who are constantly trying to shove their big, fancy, radical gayness in our faces. We see adverts where kids’ toys are sprayed with Lysol to protect them from germs; make kids wear head-to-toe protective gear just to ride a bike.

But when it comes to protecting kids against a genuine and unavoidable threat like child pornography, the victimizers get a suspended sentence, because one doctor says, against all evidence to the contrary, that they won’t victimize again, or because they’re “too short” for prison. Or our justice department totally and utterly falls down on the job. Or House leadership doesn’t really care all that much. (If you think they would have done anything differently if Foley were IM-ing 10-year-olds, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.)

It’s all lip service all the time. It’s just so darned easy to rail against TV or video games, and it’s just so darn hard to make sure we treat child pornography with the gravity it deserves, or actually giving a shit about protecting kids against hunger, poverty, lack of healthcare, or a failing educational system. Fuck these people. They don’t give a rat’s ass about kids. If they did, this asshole would be behind bars, and there wouldn’t be a single child in America going to bed with a hungry belly tonight.

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