Things Look So Different Across the Pond

When Mr. Shakes’ best friend was visiting recently, he and I were talking about attitudes toward the LGBT community in Britain, and how much it’s changed in the past few years. Gay marriage is now legal, and M, who was living in London for a few years and recently returned to Edinburgh, was saying people are out at his work now in noticeably higher numbers, and the gay community in Edinburgh is visible in a way they weren’t before—the kind of things that don’t get talked about when genuine equality under the law is being debated. Fear has diminished; people feel safe to be who they are. Everywhere.

And I certainly don’t think I would have read this a few years ago (via):

West Yorkshire police officer Mark Carter, 23, was crowned Mr. Gay U.K. 2006 as about 50 of his police colleagues cheered him on -- in T-shirts bearing his picture.

…Carter had the full backing of the West Yorkshire Police in taking part in the contest. He appeared in a police-style outfit, including a stab-proof vest, during a "dress to impress" section.

"I am absolutely 100 percent over the moon," Carter said. "Two years ago I used to cry myself to sleep at night, I was so daunted by the prospect of coming out, but when I did, it was the best thing ever. I was so happy I could finally be myself.”
That’s the beauty of equality. That’s the happiness of knowing that your government, your countrymen, your laws are willing to protect you and embrace you as a full member of society.

That’s what we need in America.

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