And I certainly don’t think I would have read this a few years ago (via):
West Yorkshire police officer Mark Carter, 23, was crowned Mr. Gay U.K. 2006 as about 50 of his police colleagues cheered him on -- in T-shirts bearing his picture.That’s the beauty of equality. That’s the happiness of knowing that your government, your countrymen, your laws are willing to protect you and embrace you as a full member of society.
…Carter had the full backing of the West Yorkshire Police in taking part in the contest. He appeared in a police-style outfit, including a stab-proof vest, during a "dress to impress" section.
"I am absolutely 100 percent over the moon," Carter said. "Two years ago I used to cry myself to sleep at night, I was so daunted by the prospect of coming out, but when I did, it was the best thing ever. I was so happy I could finally be myself.”
That’s what we need in America.
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