Too Bad Bush Doesn’t Read His Own Mail

Because he’s gotten an important letter.

Dear President Bush,



A commission formed to assess the Iraq war and recommend a new course has ruled out the prospect of victory for America, according to draft policy options shared with The New York Sun by commission officials.

Currently, the 10-member commission — headed by a secretary of state for President George H.W. Bush, James Baker — is considering two option papers, "Stability First" and "Redeploy and Contain," both of which rule out any prospect of making Iraq a stable democracy in the near term.

…Instead, the commission is headed toward presenting President Bush with two clear policy choices that contradict his rhetoric of establishing democracy in Iraq. The more palatable of the two choices for the White House, "Stability First," argues that the military should focus on stabilizing Baghdad while the American Embassy should work toward political accommodation with insurgents. The goal of nurturing a democracy in Iraq is dropped.

…Mr. Bush yesterday spoke approvingly of his father's old campaign manager and top diplomat, saying he looked forward to seeing "what Jimmy Baker and Lee Hamilton have to say about getting the job done."
Today: “Nah nah nah nah! I can’t hear you!”

Or, conversely, Bush knew all along what Jimmy “Bush Family Fixer” Baker was planning to say, and counts on using it to extricate himself from the mess he’s created. He can then point to his own people for making the case for “readjustments,” in an attempt to look like he isn’t straying from the course just because the public demands it. Because everyone knows Bush hates nothing more than the appearance that he’s actually serving Americans.

(Hat tip Jill.)

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