Weldon Plays the Blame Game

Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA), who's being investigated for allegedly using his position as the vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee to help a company owned by his daughter and his close friend secure $1 million in lobbying contracts, has been calling dirty tricks—calling the investigation "politically motivated" and the timing "suspect."

But in an interview with a Pennsylvania blog, he goes hogwild with the accusations, outlining a left-wing conspiracy that includes: "Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and its head, Melanie Sloan (who filed a complaint against Weldon with the FBI—in 2004) ... former President Bill Clinton; former CIA official Mary McCarthy; former senior Justice Department official/9-11 Commission panelist Jamie Gorelick; former national security adviser Sandy Berger ('I know what he stole—I know why he stole it!'); and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee."

Who knew the left was so organized?

(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK)

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