At least 135 federal employees, including a White House staff member and National Security Agency employees, bought bogus online college degrees from a diploma mill, a lawyer in the case against the mill operators said.Superb background-checking there, White House and NSA. Couldn’t even detect a fake fucking degree. (And before anyone starts accusing me of blaming unfairly for this, let’s remember that he was supposed to be the “CEO president,” and any CEO whose corporate divisions were promoting people with fake degrees that the most basic background check should uncover would be held accountable for such poor business practices, too—if for no other reason than hiring incompetent underlings.)
…Material provided to the defense by the Justice Department shows at least 135 government employees bought college or university degrees to use in seeking promotions or pay raises, Schweda said. The phony diplomas came from such places as St. Regis University, James Monroe University and Robertstown University
And it gets better. Of course you knew this had to tie into child pornography somehow, didn’t you?
On Tuesday, Kenneth Wade Pearson, 31, webmaster for the diploma mill operation, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud and receipt of child pornography.In fairness, maybe his Republican clients were just paying him in trade.
…More than 10,000 sexually explicit images of children were found in four computers used by the Spokane-based operation, government lawyers said, but only Pearson was named in pornography charges.
(The hat tip goes to Think Progress, who files this under the amusing headline The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good.)
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