The debate over same-sex marriage was a black-or-white proposition two years ago when voters in 11 states barred gay couples from marrying.I guess that’s the good thing about being on the side of the angels in a battle for equal rights—it never gets boring!
But this year shades of gray are everywhere, as eight more states consider similar ballot measures. Some of the proposed bans are struggling in the polls, and the issue of same-sex marriage itself has largely failed to rouse conservative voters.
…[W]hile most of the measures are expected to pass, their emotional force in drawing committed, conservative voters to the polls, many political experts say, has been muted or spent.
…Some pollsters say people might just be burned out on the subject of marriage and its boundaries.
The Bush administration and Congressional GOP leadership basically blew its load by repeatedly bringing up the Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage for a vote when they knew it had no chance of passing. As the homobigot base wakes up to the fact that they’ve been used and abused like a falafel within arm’s length of Bill O’Reilly, and finally clack onto the fact that it was just a big sham to get them to the voting booths, they’re starting to feel yawntastic with the whole thing. If it looks like the measure on your ballot is going to pass, anyway, what’s the ding-dang point of dragging your ass to the polls to vote?
And there’s the rub for the GOP. Their once-reliable Get Out the Vote card—hatin’ on the gays—has been overplayed. And despicable, discriminatory state measures banning gay marriage are of no use to them, whether they pass or not, if they don’t dig up every Christian conservative within a hundred miles whose votes will also send the Republicans on the ticket back to D.C.
(Side note: If you’re in Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, or Virginia, a gay marriage measure will be on your ballot in the upcoming election. So, in the coming weeks, talk to anyone who will listen about the importance of equality, try to change some minds if you can, and make sure you get to the polls on election day.)
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