You're kidding me!!
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Gay Republicans say the scandal involving lurid emails sent to minors by a gay Republican lawmaker has hurt their efforts for greater acceptance within their own party.In other news: A nice mug of cocoa in front of the fire is a pleasant way to spend a chilly winter evening.
The controversy over lewd computer messages sent to underage congressional workers by disgraced ex-representative Mark Foley has exposed a serious rift between party progressives and Christian conservatives, and increased internal fears that a fractured Republican party faces a greater chance of being defeated in next month's national elections.
The culture war pits liberal party members, who say tolerance and outreach are key to ensuring sufficient recruitment for the future, against Christian conservatives who form the party's base.
Patrick Sammon, head of the national gay Republican group Log Cabin Republicans said recently that the situation has left some homosexuals in his party "feeling under siege, both as gay and lesbian people and as Republicans."
"If Foley broke the law, he should be prosecuted. His sexual orientation is irrelevant to this story," he said.
"Predictably, anti-gay groups have used this awful situation to push their divisive agenda," Sammon said. "They are using this scandal to try and score political points."
Since the Foley scandal broke, conservatives have been more vocal than ever about their wish to exclude homosexuals from their ranks.
The conservative Family Research Council said the scandal showed that the party's efforts at inclusiveness had gone too far.
"The Foley scandal shows what happens when political correctness is put ahead of protecting children," said Tony Perkins, president of the conservative interest group shortly after the scandal broke.
(I'm a big cross-post and I need a big cereal!)
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