Blaming the victims

Ralph Peters wholeheartedly supported the greatest foreign policy blunder of modern times. Now that the failure of George Bush's war in Iraq is plain for even him to see, now that an entire nation has been wrecked and laid open to murder and chaos, Peters soberly, regretfully - and quite unsurprisingly - blames the Iraqis.

Based upon firsthand experience, I was convinced that the Middle East was so politically, socially, morally and intellectually stagnant that we had to risk intervention — or face generations of terrorism and tumult.

And yet the likelihood of "generations of terrorism and tumult" is what we bought anyway - purchased with the blood of thousands in a war based on a trumped-up rationale. All in the name of a grandiose experiment, the notion of delivering democracy by the sword.

Whose failure is it, again?

Our military is now being employed for political purposes. It's unworthy of our nation.

Peters and other war pundits like him - passing the buck of "incompetence!" onto Bush the way bookies lay off bets - still aren't honest enough to admit that our military was wedded to political purposes the moment that Bush decided to invade Iraq.

"It's unworthy of our nation." As shameless as Peters is, he's right about that much.


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