Congressmembers, Start Your Subpoenas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas*:

The incoming chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee is promising an array of oversight investigations that could provoke sharp disagreement with Republicans and the White House.

...Among the investigations [Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich.] said he wants the committee to undertake:

--The new Medicare drug benefit. ''There are lots and lots and lots of scandals,'' he said, without citing specifics.

--Spending on government contractors in Iraq, including Halliburton Co., the Texas-based oil services conglomerate once led by Vice President Dick Cheney.

--An energy task force overseen by Cheney. It ''was carefully cooked to provide only participation by oil companies and energy companies,'' Dingell said.

--A review of food and drug safety, particularly in the area of nutritional supplements.

You know the GOP really lived up to its reputation as a do-nothing, rubber-stamp, power-ceding collection of useless chumps when Congressman Dingell is talking about the usually dry subject possible investigations to be launched by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and it sounds like, "Does Congressional Oversight make you horny, baby?!"

Yes, yes it does.



* Or your gift-giving celebratory holiday of choice.

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