Don't Fall For It.

Yesterday, I wrote a post with some advice for Democrats. My first suggestion was "don't fall for it," with a link to a story about Bush & Pelosi's "make nice" lunch, entitled "Bush Pledges to Work with Democrats."

Anyone who honestly believes that Bush has any desire to work with Democrats needs to e-mail me immediately. I have a bridge to sell you.

Bush and the Republicans haven't the slightest desire to reconcile, or to work with Democrats on any sort of progressive change. For evidence of this statement, I could simply point to the last six years... hell, all the way back to the beginning of the Clinton administration, and really, that should be enough.

But really, visual aids are so much better.
Before the election, President Bush said on the campaign trail that if opponents of his Iraq policy were victorious, “the terrorists win and America loses.”

During his press conference earlier today, Bush returned to the same extreme rhetoric. Addressing “our enemies,” Bush said “do not be joyful” over the election results, or view them as evidence of America’s “lack of will.”
So, in other words, "working with the Democrats" means the same old shit.

"The terrorists got what they wanted" is the message, and he couldn't make it through one day before blurting that out.

Democrats: Bush, the Republicans, and the Media are all rooting for you to fail. They will not hesitate for a second to trash you the second your back is turned. Don't give them any ammo.

(No more cross-posts ever!!)

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