Honestly, I don’t even know what to say about it. It’s fucking ridiculous. And I absolutely believe that we’ll continue to see more and more of these kinds of abuses of power so long as we, as a country, continue to move in a direction where civil rights are treated as a joke and the notion we shouldn’t torture people is considered quaint. Wrapped up within all that is the culture of fear and suspicion generated specifically so our government can convince us to give away our rights and freedoms. This incident is a direct result of the obsession with security and associated de facto distrust of our fellow citizens that has become the American norm. We’re becoming crazy and rash and aggressive because of our fears, and such behavior is sanctioned all the way to the top of this nation’s leadership.
A few people have sent me this story about a UCLA student tasered by police; the incident was captured on video:
Honestly, I don’t even know what to say about it. It’s fucking ridiculous. And I absolutely believe that we’ll continue to see more and more of these kinds of abuses of power so long as we, as a country, continue to move in a direction where civil rights are treated as a joke and the notion we shouldn’t torture people is considered quaint. Wrapped up within all that is the culture of fear and suspicion generated specifically so our government can convince us to give away our rights and freedoms. This incident is a direct result of the obsession with security and associated de facto distrust of our fellow citizens that has become the American norm. We’re becoming crazy and rash and aggressive because of our fears, and such behavior is sanctioned all the way to the top of this nation’s leadership.
Honestly, I don’t even know what to say about it. It’s fucking ridiculous. And I absolutely believe that we’ll continue to see more and more of these kinds of abuses of power so long as we, as a country, continue to move in a direction where civil rights are treated as a joke and the notion we shouldn’t torture people is considered quaint. Wrapped up within all that is the culture of fear and suspicion generated specifically so our government can convince us to give away our rights and freedoms. This incident is a direct result of the obsession with security and associated de facto distrust of our fellow citizens that has become the American norm. We’re becoming crazy and rash and aggressive because of our fears, and such behavior is sanctioned all the way to the top of this nation’s leadership.
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