Sixteen-year-old junior Matthew LaClair says he was shocked when history teacher David Paszkiewicz, who is also a Baptist preacher in town, spent the first week lecturing students more about Heaven and Hell than the colonies and Constitution.LaClair took his concerns to the principal, who called a meeting with Paszkiewicz. Paszkiewicz denied the charges, the the principal appeared to believe him—and that’s when LaClair pulled out the recordings he’d made, precisely because he'd assumed no one would believe him otherwise.
"I would never have suspected something like this went on in a public school," LaClair said yesterday.
He said Paszkiewicz told students that if they didn't accept Jesus, "you belong in Hell." He also dismissed as unscientific the theories of evolution and the "Big Bang."
At that point Paszkiewicz remarked, according to LaClair, "Maybe you're an atheist. You caught the big Christian fish."Uh-huh. Where is it that liars belong, Mr. Paszkiewicz?
Paszkiewicz has yet to be disciplined, although the Superintendent of Schools, who calls him “a wonderful teacher,” promises that “corrective action” will be taken.
(Via DBK.)
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