"I'm worried about bloggers," says former New York Times reporter Judith Miller. "(A post) starts as a rumor and within 24 hours it's repeated as fact." Miller said blogs "don’t post corrections when they learn that what they have posted is wrong," but added that she was "glad to welcome them as long as they agree to the standards." When not helping blogs improve their correction standards, Miller peddled false intelligence from the White House and Iraqi exile Ahmad Chalabi that helped convince Americans that Iraq had WMD.Let's put Judy's theory to the test, shall we? Judith Miller has a brain the size of a pecan, and it's filled with nothing but hotdog innards. I don't know this to be true; it's just a rumor. (That I'm starting.) Let's give it 24 hours and see if it gets repeated as fact on the front page of the freaking New York Times.
(Crossposted at AlterNet PEEK.)
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