Sen. John McCain, casting himself as the embodiment of the Republican Party's future in the vein of Ronald Reagan, said Thursday the GOP has lost its way and must return to "common-sense conservatism."
…The same day he launched a committee to explore whether to run in 2008, McCain invoked the legacy of Reagan, who won the presidency four years after leading the rebirth of a dispirited GOP following the Republican defeat in the 1976 presidential election.
"We can do it again if we lead and inspire as he did," the four-term senator told party loyalists.
*shiver* Good lord almighty. The last thing we need after Bush is another freaking Reagan! Yes, let’s run up the deficit even more and send the economy right over the bloody cliff as we hand out more tax cuts and spend wantonly on defense. What a splendid idea!
"We lost our principles and our majority. And there is no way to recover our majority without recovering our principles first," McCain [said].
Hmm, lost principles, you say? I think I know just the chappy who can help you. He’s good at looking for missing things.
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Sen. John McCain, casting himself as the embodiment of the Republican Party's future in the vein of Ronald Reagan, said Thursday the GOP has lost its way and must return to "common-sense conservatism."
…The same day he launched a committee to explore whether to run in 2008, McCain invoked the legacy of Reagan, who won the presidency four years after leading the rebirth of a dispirited GOP following the Republican defeat in the 1976 presidential election.
"We can do it again if we lead and inspire as he did," the four-term senator told party loyalists.
*shiver* Good lord almighty. The last thing we need after Bush is another freaking Reagan! Yes, let’s run up the deficit even more and send the economy right over the bloody cliff as we hand out more tax cuts and spend wantonly on defense. What a splendid idea!
"We lost our principles and our majority. And there is no way to recover our majority without recovering our principles first," McCain [said].
Hmm, lost principles, you say? I think I know just the chappy who can help you. He’s good at looking for missing things.
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Shakesville is run as a safe space. First-time commenters: Please read Shakesville's Commenting Policy and Feminism 101 Section before commenting. We also do lots of in-thread moderation, so we ask that everyone read the entirety of any thread before commenting, to ensure compliance with any in-thread moderation. Thank you.
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