Question of the Day

What’s your most memorable Thanksgiving?

Mine’s got to be the year we went to my aunt and uncle’s house in Cincinnati for the then-annual huge family gathering, and something (a batch of undercooked sausage stuffing was the suspected culprit) gave half of us food poisoning. So in a house filled with about 20 people, a dozen or so were hurling—after, of course, eating the single biggest meal we eat all year. My cousin (now in his 20s, but then about two) was going from bucket to bucket held at faces and saying, “What’s in dere? What’s in dere?” as if we were hiding mysterious treasures from him. My mom and sister were fine; my dad and I were yakking it for days. Pops and I spent most of the 5-hour drive home with our heads buried in garbage bags.

I know that sounds like a terrible Thanksgiving, and, at the time, it was—but it’s provided many, many years of laughter at subsequent Thanksgivings, so it was all worth it.

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