The Sanctity of Marriage

Sent to me by GoldFishy, who says: "On a day when our nation tries to prove that we even have our crap together and that we really can manage to run our own democracy much less force it on others, the attached image appears on my browser. Really? Britney's sacred union (remember how it's an institution of our society so valuable that it should be protected by amendments to various state constitutions and even the great document that established this nation), is now not worth fighting for? The sanctity of marriage, dying at the hands of Britney and Kevin. I swear, I had nothing to do with it. Neither did my partner (for I refuse to use the word 'husband' until it's recognized by the law). We left it like we found it, and if were able to participate might even leave it better than the condition we get it in."

Right on, brother.

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