1. Don't fall for it. I hope she spits in his lobster bisque.
2. Stock up on Wingnut repellent. The right-wing noise machine has been hammering you nonstop when they held all the power. It's going to double, probably triple, now. Thick skins are in order.
3. Keep your goddamn noses clean. The number one, most important issue that voters stated last night was "corruption." Get the hint? Let the Republicans wallow in filth; it's what they do best. Don't forget who you work for, and keep it in your pants.
4. Grow a pair.
5. Read the blogs. And I don't mean checking out Kos and the other "big" blogs... read the smaller ones, too. *cough*Shakespeare's Sister*cough* Sure, the big boys are good for bringing in the green, but the smaller ones (not that Shakes' blog is small in the slightest) have very active communities. If you want to know what real progressives are thinking and what they want to see from you folks, this is where to be. We're not looking for a book deal. We want Democrats that stand up for what we believe in. There's a handy blogroll to the right if you need some leads!
6. No, really, keep your goddamn noses clean.
7. The time for Republican Lite is over. You wanted to appear centrist so you could get voted in? Fine. You're voted in. Now stop with this "no amnesty" shit, get on board with stem cell research, get your voters some goddamned health care, and stop with this "well, I'm for civil unions" bullshit. See #4 above and start acting humane.
There. Lecture over. Congratulations, and don't let us down.
Now we do the dance of joy.
(P.S. There's a woman named Tammy Duckworth that you might want to be checking out...)
(We are the cross-posts, my friends...)
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